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Concerns women health issuesMen health problems are different with women because women are more complicated and have some special issues but both of them are prone of some illnesses and must be maintained from unique challenges. Women have special step of menopause and its problem.

Most of women will concerns about their health starting childhood up to the rest of their life. I thing prevention is much better than curing their illnesses.

Below are the special concerns of women:

    1. Reproductive issues

      The female reproductive organs are begun with menstruation stage and direct related with their sex, imbalance hormone and chemical and can result of some infections. Another organ are uterus, ovaries and urinary bladder are susceptible to injury and various medical conditions.

      2. Calcium deficiencies

      Because of their age, women will feel decreasing of their bone density and known as osteoporosis. Another one is degenerative joint diseases, its related with bony mass contents and vulnerable of the bony weakness.

      3. Common Diseases

      There are some affects of female problems like migraine headache, urinary tract infection, uterus and breast cancer and others.

      4. Difficult detected of illness

      Immune system and multiple sclerosis are the negative impact of female body and can decrease the quality of their life. Regular checking are important to control any abnormality which arise without any symptoms.

      5. Concerns about these matters

      Keep good habit on their life to make remain healthy and fresh. Take vitamins, mineral, enough water and other supplements to prevent many common ailments. Doing routine exercises and avoid obesity to maintain strength and healthy.


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