Chest x-ray is a routine examination for Medical Check-up in Clinic or Hospital. This examination is using x-ray radiation. The benefit of doing chest x-ray is bigger than the radiation exposure we absorbed.

Almost the disease or abnormality of chest can be detected by this diagnostic procedure.

For a mother or family, please don’t be worried about this examination and to be noticed that much radiation exposure we receive a day is also avoided. To decrease of radiation effects, please follow the instructions from Radiographer/ X-Ray Technician if x-ray procedure is being done. Any moving of the patient will be repeated because the x-ray image we create will blur which causes the Radiologist is difficult to interpret the x-ray film especially for chest x-ray.

There are some reasons why our Doctors/Specialist order us for doing chest x-ray:

1. To detect any fractures of our lungs/ribs after getting accident or trauma.

2. To identify any diseases within the chest like bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, pleural effusion and any other abnormalities.

3. Various patterns in lung diseases including tuberculosis (specific process), foreign body, malignancy (tumor/cancer), chest infections, pneumothorax, etc.

4. Annual check-up to anticipate any possibility of numerous lung diseases.

If the patient is suspected any chest diseases and still not sure about that, it’s better to be checked again by another diagnostic tools like CT-Scan, MRI or laboratory test. early finding of lung disease is better than late because it’s to be difficult to be treated normally. Radiologic finding is commonly believed as accurate diagnosis. Patients are advised to do chest x-ray by digital radiography. Digital system is not only good quality of x-ray image but also can reduce any repetition.

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