Hi.. mother or maybe for all women especially who have age more than 40 years. In this post I would like to explain how to detect Breast Cancer. If you know it in early stage, I’m sure your life is saved without any negative impacts. Breast Cancer is one of the most dangerous disease in the world. Until now, all medical knowledge doesn’t know the specific causes of Breast Cancer.

There are several factors which influence of getting Breast Cancer like:

1. The changes of tumor cells become cancer cells. Some kinds of tumor such as FAM (Fibroadenoma Mammae), Phyllodes Tumor and Papylloma Intraductal. FAM is often suffered by young mothers.

2. Bad Nutrition which causes the body fail to make antibody.

3. Alcohol and smoking are also noted.

4. Obesity after menopause can trigger tumor cell becomes cancer cell.

5. Fat consumption and Ionic radiation. Ionic radiation is like x-ray usage for abnormality diagnosis or for therapy.

6. Genetics factor and many other causes.

How to Detect Breast Cancer?

1. Touch by your self. This is the easy and cheap ways. You check every morning your breast and arreolar areas up to armpits region with turn around movement.

2. Mammography. This test is using x-ray to make breast images. The normal image is sign with smooth and homogenous echo texture but for one who suspected with Breast Cancer seen as sun light (You can see on the left image).

3. Breast Ultrasound. This examination is very good for your health because without using any x-ray radiation. With this test you have no pain, no preparation and you can do many times. But.. Please be noted that Mammogram and Ultrasound have advantages and disadvantages depend on your problems.

4. Pathological Test in Laboratory.

5. Tumor Markers Tests like MCA, CA15-3, CEA, etc.

When should I Check my Breast?

It’s a good question. You should undergo any tests above if you feel as follows:

1. If you feel small nodule in your breast area, tenderness and uncomfortable.

2. There is a changes of your skin around breast region, areolar and axilla.

3. There is sign of ulcers.

4. There is enlargement of lymph gland in axilla area.

Regular check is needed for healthier life.

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