Saturday, October 16th, 2010 at 4:54 pm

Chest x-ray is a routine examination for Medical Check-up in Clinic or Hospital. This examination is using x-ray radiation. The benefit of doing chest x-ray is bigger than the radiation exposure we absorbed.
Almost the disease or abnormality of chest can be detected by this diagnostic procedure.
For a mother or family, please don’t be worried about this examination and to be noticed that much radiation exposure we receive a day is also avoided. To decrease of radiation effects, please follow the instructions from Radiographer/ X-Ray Technician if x-ray procedure is being done. Any moving of the patient will be repeated because the x-ray image we create will blur which causes the Radiologist is difficult to interpret the x-ray film especially for chest x-ray.
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Saturday, October 9th, 2010 at 4:45 am

Tinnitus becomes a problem if bothering our daily activities. Actually, tinnitus is only a temporary problem but if we cannot cope properly it is to be a serious thing.
Most cities have suffered from tinnitus because of many reasons like:
1. Head injury such as accident and falling down.
2. Excessive alcohol due to a bad habit or personal problem triggered.
3. Fatigue and stress.
4. Smoking and some prescribed drugs.
5. Excessive noise exposure for a long time.
6. Ear infection.
The effects of chronic tinnitus to sufferers will influence one’s concentration, ability to think and peace of mind. It tends to be psychological effect. Tinnitus it self is not a serious problem actually because it doesn’t pain or deafness but it can be make frustrating.
Friday, October 8th, 2010 at 2:55 pm
Sleeping is very needed for mother who is taking care her children and also for career women & men. Without that the body stamina would decrease drastically. The fit body is a must for our daily activities.

How much sleep do we need? Actually, many people must be aware that the amount of sleep we need for normal health varies with our age. For some people, 5 hours a night is enough but for others, 8 hours is still not enough.
Meanwhile, for old people with around age of 50 or above is 7 hours in average. Many old people are difficult for settled sleep due to their age. Relaxation technique guide is needed to overcome this problem.
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